Wow … I didn’t even write this last night as I usually do, was too busy getting warm and dry! This was definitely the biggest weather day! But … I am safe and dry, and at my final destination
Through the night at the last campsite, we experienced some rain showers and in the morning the tent was wet inside and out (I knew there would be condensation this close to the creek and in a low spot even without rain). No real wind or sunshine to dry it off in the morning either so I just started packing up.

After a chat with my new friends and some sticks thrown for Koma, I headed up towards Windy Peak (7:30am). My plan was to get to Thirtymile trailhead, about 14 miles away.

At first, it was brushy which of course means, after a rainy night, your pants and shoes get soaked. Then I entered more alpine area and it was rocky and barren but still steep (I think the uphill was about 2000ft, see graph below). My clothes dried a bit too!

Despite the name, it wasn’t too windy near the peak, when I reached 7900ft just below the summit (which is a side trail) around 8:45am.

I started downhill on Windy Creek trail which runs for 5 miles to a remote trailhead. Starting out very steep, sandy and loose, it got better with more green and bushes (=wet) later.

Overall not the easiest walking but a big downhill. From early on, there were dark clouds all around, threatening to make the wet forecast come true. I just wanted to make sure I was off the mountain if/when thunderstorms developed.

Around the time I got to the Chewuch Trailhead (10:45am) and where I planned to take a break, it started raining … in line with the forecast saying rain at 11am!! So I just threw the rain poncho on and continued (I had already put everything in the backpack inside a trash bag so my gear was protected).

I actually think the 5 mile hike from the Chewuch Trailhead up to Windy Peak, on a hot day in the valley with good visibility, would be a great (challenging) day hike!
And then it started to rain more and more! I picked up the pace on the “Cathedral Driveway” trail that started wide and flat, and turned into super steep, loose sand and mud. The water was flowing and making it slippery!

I tried to be very careful but that also slowed things down. I slipped a bit once (not falling) but that already put my twice-dislocated shoulder on edge.

The map says it’s 2.5 miles to the junction with the Chewuch Trail; certainly felt like a lot more! Once down there (11:45am), I turned on this trail that I know well and headed to the trailhead (another 5 miles).

By then the water was standing on the trail, the clouds were dark and all around so I walked as fast as I could without slipping in mud! Met two guys going up the trail (??? that doesn’t look like fun!) but nobody else all day.
Literally just before I got to the trailhead, the thunderstorm started. I raced the last 5 min and found shelter in front of the bathroom there. Thunder and lightning continued for hours! It was wild …

Safely under cover but wet and getting cold, I evaluated my options. I had hiked without break for almost 7 hrs so I also caught up on snacks to stay warm. I had thought I could hike the 4-5 miles to Andrews Creek where the camping at the trailhead is decent. But that was out of the question now.
My reliable weather expert Ron notified me of flash flood warnings for the county which I could definitely see happening! The steep trail sections already had creeks flowing on them …

So I figured, having arrived at a road, that was the end of trail hiking, and I just needed to make sure I got warm and dry. The Forest Service guys checking the trailhead cannot give rides and of the three cars parked, I knew one was the guys that went in and the other two likely, on a Friday, weren’t coming out. And it’s the end of the drivable road.
I texted a friend who I had “warned” before that he could get a message for a pickup but he was unavailable (waited an hour for a reply or appearance so no progress during that time). Other friends I knew were on vacation or not texters (can’t call from the inReach).
So in the end I asked my trusted friend Heather for a ride. She has followed and supported both my PCT hike and this one, is diligent and attentive (contacting others when she hasn’t gotten a checkin message) and overall one of the best people!
She said “yes” and raced to a trailhead she hadn’t even been to. It’s mostly paved roads with the last section being gravel.
It was great to see her and feel the seat heater!! The thunderstorm was still going, 2.5 hrs after I arrived at the trailhead. Crazy weather!

I was so thankful for my last ride and arriving in Pine Forest. Definitely the biggest weather day today, and that close to town I had no desire left to camp along Andrews Creek road soggy and with the thunderstorms around, or even walk the road after another wet night. I wonder how Jon and Jill are doing today …

So instead … I’m inside at my usual place in Pine Forest, get to sit on a table and drink hot tea! The feet are recovering and un-wrinkling after a shower. Slowly I’ll get to dry and clean the gear. Also I’m fine! I’m warming up and just wanted to get the feet out of the shoes that felt like swimming pools most of the day!

Will write a recap tomorrow. For now I’m super tired and so thankful for friends!!! Keyla of course looked out for me as always but isn’t a fan of thunderstorms either … maybe a Thunder Shirt for her??
Glad you’re ok The tough days just makes the other one that much better. Have fun.
I agree! Had to have a bad weather day to get the full experience
Thanks for reading 
Congratulations Biggi, what an accomplishment! You walk the talk and make it happen. Your hike would not have been complete without a gnarly weather day like yesterday. Rest up, fuel up, get warm and dry and reflect on what you just did. We’ll see you soon back here in Kimberley and look forward to more adventures.
Yes you’re right … it probably needed a terrible weather day to be complete!
Biggi!!!!! So glad to see you moving along and so glad to see you found a dry area to get out of all that weather but mostly so happy to see you are doing great. Love the pics
and love you more.
So lucky to have people like you in my life who care and support me!
I’m dry and working on recovering … back to BC soon!
So happy to hear that you managed to find shelter from the thunder & lightning just in time, got picked up and didn’t have to camp out in the storm. Hopefully the weather is good for the rest of your trek.
Thanks Mel! Yesterday was a challenge! But I’m warm and dry now. I have no desire to walk the road into town so this is the end! One day I’ll walk the trail from town to Pine Forest, when the legs have recovered. Back to Kimberley soon!