When I closed my eyes, I saw this from my pillow:

When I opened my eyes (5:15am or so), I saw the view in the title picture without even moving my head. Just gorgeous. No bugs, no wind, just hikers passing on the trail (about 10m away) until late and starting at 6:30am! People are active here!!

Most of today was spent in the Granite Chief Wilderness. Though it hasn’t been long since we left Desolation Wilderness, this area looks very different.

The lake was often visible in the distance today.

Really enjoyed the views, lots of ridge walking, then drops into valleys and climbs back up to the ski areas.

The wind was strong and blew me off trail a few times but decreased in the afternoon.

Lots of wildflowers in this section too!

I stopped late afternoon at a creek and cleaned up (shirt, face etc) and cooked dinner. When possible I try to do this to avoid any cooking around camp 🐻 It also reduces the need for water at camp and just makes it less stressful to find a camp spot.

I ended up at a place that was listed in my GPS app and there are 4 other tents around; nice to have company. I got chatting with the lovely couple Johnny and Patty “next door” who offered to buy my bear can since they are going south to Yosemite and need one. Perfect timing! Works well for all of us and I hope to see updates on the bear can’s adventures!

Gorgeous area. Thank you for sharing the photos and stories from the trail.
I have really enjoyed this section. Highly recommended, good distance at 62 miles!
Thanks for sharing these magnificent views! Take care!
You too!!!