Lovely campsite with water access, flat and wide, made for a good night. Not that it’s hard to sleep after a tiring day 🙂

I tried to get up early, not knowing the condition of the trail ahead. It’s a long descent into Seiad Valley but the easy-looking map was deceptive: Lots of overgrowth and blowdowns slowed the pace. I should have taken a picture 🙂 Hiking makes you dusty and sweaty but it’s nothing compared to bushwhacking and trying to get through high bushes – that just kills your gear! With loads of pollen just exploding into your face and poison oak being present as well, the itching and redness are expected. I’m lucky I don’t have hay fever!!!

The last section happens along a dirt road, then paved road. Finally I got to the bottom and hit the highway. It was around 12:30pm so I had made decent time for the 13 miles (post office is open to 4pm).

The 1.4 mile highway walk with no shoulder and in 32C didn’t sound appealing. Trying to hitch a ride, the first car passed, turned around and picked me up. Turns out it was Brian, owner of the Seiad Cafe (a popular spot for hikers). Home of the Pancake Challenge!
When I arrived there, the “Lady of the cafe” was super friendly and caring. She found some vegan bacon for my sandwich and I destroyed it along with salad and ice tea 🙂

Given the weather forecast (from 34C today to 14C tomorrow with heavy rain and thunderstorms) and that there are no inside lodging options in Seiad, I decided to catch a ride to Happy Camp, the closest motel. The cafe lady even found me a ride!

I’m going to see what the storm does to the snow levels up high and then reassess. Laundry tomorrow … My clothes picked up a lot of vegetation and mud 🙂
Oh and a local asked me if I’d seen Bigfoot. It’s official Bigfoot Country !!